Industrial reverse osmosis systems


KROS series reverse osmosis installations are designed for water desalting. The instalattion is based on membrane technology that uses the effect of reverse osmosis. In the reverse osmosis installation (ROI) water under hydraulic differential pressure which is created between two sides of the membrane, is devided into permeate (desalted water) and concentrate (high salinity water). The permeate is used for manufacturing, but the concentrate is completely discharged into sewers or partly re-fed to the input of the membrane (returnable concentrate).

Where reverse osmosis technology is used?

The leading consumers of water which is purified using this technique are various companies in the food, metallurgical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, perfume industry, housing facilities.

As one of the leading water purification methods, reverse osmosis is used when you want to get a very high quality clean water. Flow of water is divided into two: the first flow (filtrate - PERMEATE) almost completely desalted and will be used in manufacturing, the other flow contains salt (concentrate - CONCENTRATE) is discharged into the sewer.

High-quality composit membranes with 99,9% of selectivity are used in the system.

It should be noted that in order to increase the reliability and efficiency of the method the system should be cleaned regularly.

Components of reverse osmosis system

You can select and buy the most comfortable and easy to use systems that have automatic control. Reverse osmosis process can be carefully controlled by couple devices. Furthermore, it increases the safety and usability of such a system as reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis system consists of the following elements:

  • stainless steel frame;
  • prefilter;
  • PVC or polypropylene panel for installation of the control unit and power supply of the reverse osmosis system;
  • housing and high pressure pumps;
  • membranes with a high selectivity;
  • manometer, pressure gauges, flow meter;
  • faucets and valves for water sampling before and after reverse osmosis process;
  • electronic microprocessor controller;
  • electrical protection.


Some systems may also include other additional elements that make the process such as reverse osmosis, even more simple and convenient. Furthermore, they are able to increase its efficiency.

The systems include devices such as membrane disinfication systems and membrane chemical treatment. They can significantly reduce the cost of system maintenance for a process such as reverse osmosis. At the same time, the quality of the final product remains consistently high.


Our company has a high-quality reverse osmosis systems. Note that our specialists not only sell the systems, but also install them. Of course, the cost of such systems is quite high, but our experts will choose filters and other equipment that will satisfy your requirements.

Specifications of the system for water desalination series KROS:

Cipher Serie Performance*
Pressure (bar) Output coefficient Electrical
H х L х W
А KROS 100 0,1 12,0 75 1,0 ½"-⅜"-⅜" 70 1220х1000х300
KROS 200 0,2 12,5 75 1,0 ½"-⅜"-⅜" 80 1220х1000х300
С KROS 300 0,3 12,0 75 2,2 ¾"-¾"-¾" 130 1660x650x625
KROS 600 0,6 12,5 75 2,7 ¾"-¾"-¾" 150 1660x650x625
KROS 900 0,9 12,5 75 3,7 ¾"-¾"-¾" 165 1700x850x700
KROS 1200 1,2 12,5 75 3,7 ¾"-¾"-¾" 225 1830x1100x920
М KROS 1500 1,5 13,0 75 3,7 1"-1"-1" 260 1460x2800x880
KROS 1800 1,8 12,5 75 3,7 1"-1"-1" 290 1460x2800x880
KROS 2100 2,1 13,0 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 315 1460x2800x880
KROS 2400 2,4 13,0 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 345 1460x2800x880
KROS 2700 2,7 13,5 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 370 1460x2800x880
KROS 3000 3,0 13,5 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 400 1460x2800x880
В KROS 3000 3,0 9,0 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 355 1750x3300x1000
KROS 4000 4,0 9,0 75 4,0 1"-1"-1" 415 1750x3300x1000
KROS 5000 5,0 9,5 75 4,5 1½"-1½"-1½" 510 1750x3300x1000
KROS 6000 6,0 9,5 75 4,5 1½"-1½"-1½" 620 1750x4300x1100
KROS 7000 7,0 11,0 75 5,5 1½"-1½"-1½" 635 1750x4300x1100
KROS 8000 8,0 10,0 75 6,0 1½"-1½"-1½" 710 1750x3300x1000
KROS 9000 9,0 11,0 75 8,0 1½"-1½"-1½" 760 1750x4300x1000
KROS 10000 10,0 11,5 75 8,0 1½"-1½"-1½" 865 2000x4300x1100
KROS 12000 12,0 11,5 75 8,0 2"-2"-2" 950 2000x4300x1100
KROS 14000 14,0 11,0 75 12,0 2"-2"-2" 1050 2000x5500x1200
KROS 16000 16,0 10,0 75 15,5 2"-2"-2" 1200 2000x6500x1200
KROS 18000 18,0 11,5 75 22,0 2"-2"-2" 1500 2000x5500x1200
KROS 20000 20,0 11,5 75 30,0 2"-2"-2" 1640 2000x6500x1200
KROS 25000 25,0 11,0 75 30,0 2"-2"-2" 2000 2000x6500x1650
KROS 30000 30,0 12,0 75 35,0 2"-2"-2" 2400 2000x7350x1650
KROS 35000 35,0 13,0 75 40,0 2"-2"-2" 2560 2000x7350x1650
KROS 40000 40,0 12,0 75 45,0 2"-2"-2" 3000 2000x7350x1650
KROS 45000 45,0 12,0 75 45,0 2½"-2½"-2½" 3300 2000x7350x1650
KROS 50000 50,0 12,0 75 45,0 2½"-2½"-2½" 4000 2000x7350x1650

* - Drinking water standard (class) for water flows and pressures (total salinity about 500 mg/l), water temperature 10°С, ESPA type membranes by Hydranautics company.

А - a serie of the compact systems on 2,5 inch membranes with vertically located conductivity sensors
С - a serie of the compact systems on 4 inch membranes with vertically located conductivity sensors
М - a serie of the middle class systems on 2,5 inch membranes with horizontally located conductivity sensors
В - a serie of the middle and high class systems on 8 inch membranes with horizontally located conductivity sensors


  1. Performance of the system (filtrate flow) depends on the temperature and pressure of water in the membranes. When the initial water temperature changes varies from system performance calculation: ± 1 ° C on the calculated ± 3%.
  2. The salt content of the filtrate for these systems is not higher than 25 mg / l.
  3. For other types of input water (surface water, water from the well near the sea, sea water, sewage water) and / or for the higher requirements of the filtrate salinity requires a special calculation of reverse osmosis systems.
  4. Back pressure after reverse osmosis systems should not be higher than 0.7 - 1.0 atm.

Basic requirements for the raw water quality for reverse osmosis systems:

The ranges and the maximum allowable concentration of input parameters for standard water reverse osmosis systems for processing (cleaning) of drinking water (tap water) *:

рН 4 - 11
turbidity 0,1 mg/l (0,2 NTU)
sediment density index** (SDI) 3,0
total hardness*** 0,2 mg/l
total iron (Fe) 0,1 mg/l
manganese (Mn) 0,05 mg/l
oxidability 5 mgО2/l
free chlorine 0,1 mg/l
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) 10 mg/l
silicon (SiO2) 22 mg/l
max salinity (TDS) 1000 mg/l
temperature °C 1 - 35

* – Water quality after treatment with desalting ssystems depends on the parameters of the treated water.
** – In this case, the number of reverse osmosis chemical washings is minimum. Manufacturer of the membranes imposes restrictions on the rate to 5.
*** - When using antiscalant value of total water hardness can reach 15 - 20 mg/l.

Basic conditions for the use of reverse osmosis systems:

  • working pressure - from 3,0 to 6,0 atm.
  • electrical parameters - 380 V, 50 Hz, 1 – 45 kW.
  • air temperature in the room 5 – 35°С,
  • humidity – <70 %;
  • the presence of the drainage system and storage tank.